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48,897,318 327 amd64 arm64 unknown unknown

Build Information

General build information for this image

Docker Hub linuxserver/calibre
Build Time 28 Mar 2025 07:48:32
Base Image lsiobase/guacgui
Category Media
Synchronised Yes
Stable Yes
Deprecated No

Support Information

External links and support

Tracked Tags

Known tags which link to a specific branched app version.

Branch Version Built
latest latest 28 Mar 2025 at 07:48:25

Daily Pull Statistics

Running this as a container

Basic examples for getting this image running as a container

Docker Compose

version: "2"
    image: linuxserver/calibre:latest
    container_name: calibre
    restart: unless-stopped
      - UMASK_SET # For umask setting of Calibre, default if left unset is 022.
      - TZ # Specify a timezone to use e.g. Europe/London.
      - PUID # UID of user to take ownership of application/files
      - PGID # GID of user to take ownership of application/files
      - GUAC_USER # Username for the calibre desktop gui. (Optional)
      - GUAC_PASS # Password's md5 hash for the calibre desktop gui. (Optional)
      - /host/path/to/config:/config # Where calibre should store its database and library
      - 8081:8081/tcp # Calibre webserver gui.
      - 8080:8080/tcp # Calibre desktop gui.


docker create \
  --name=calibre \
  -e UMASK_SET `# For umask setting of Calibre, default if left unset is 022.` \
  -e TZ `# Specify a timezone to use e.g. Europe/London.` \
  -e PUID `# UID of user to take ownership of application/files` \
  -e PGID `# GID of user to take ownership of application/files` \
  -e GUAC_USER `# Username for the calibre desktop gui. (Optional)` \
  -e GUAC_PASS `# Password's md5 hash for the calibre desktop gui. (Optional)` \
  -v /host/path/to/config:/config `# Where calibre should store its database and library` \
  -p 8081:8081/tcp `# Calibre webserver gui.` \
  -p 8080:8080/tcp `# Calibre desktop gui.` \
  --restart unless-stopped \